FYJC Merit List 2020 Mumbai

FYJC Merit List 2020 Mumbai

11th Standard Online FYJC Regular Admission Round – 1

23-08-2020, 12:00 Noon To 25-08-2020, 05:00 PM
1) Display of provisional General Merit list. (All Eligible Candidates)
2) Submission of “Objection / correction request” against the General merit through “Grievance Redressal Module” in student login
3) Online Resolution of Objections / Correction request by concerned Deputy Director of Education.

FYJC Merit List 2020 Mumbai Date - 30-08-2020, 03:00 PM

1) Display of Jr. College Allocation FYJC First Merit List 2020 Mumbai, Pune for Regular Round-1 Admissions.
2) Display of allotted Jr. College for admission in student’s login.
3) Display of allotted students list in concerned college login.
4) SMS to students.
5) Display of FYJC cut-off list Mumbai 2020 for first general admission round.

FYJC Merit List 2020 Mumbai Admission and Fees Payment - 31-08-2020, 10:00 AM To 03-09-2020, 05:00 PM

1) (Proceed For Admission) Online confirmation of admission in the allotted Jr. College by Student.
2) Admission rejection & Admission cancellation.
3) Quota Admission process also continue. (Management & Minority)
4) Surrender of Management Quota seats.

Notes: -
 Students who have been allotted to first preference, it is compulsory to take admission in the allotted Jr. College.
 If such students failed to take admissions, they will be blocked for further Regular Rounds and will be considered during Special Round only.
 If a student wish to cancel his/her admission confirmed in first Regular round, can request concerned Jr. College for this and get the admission cancelled.
 Such students who have cancelled their admissions will be restricted for further Regular rounds and will be considered during Special round only.

We wish best of luck to all the students for FYJC Merit List 2020 Mumbai.